$3.25m cop shop

20 Apr 2016 Myrtleford Times, Myrtleford VIC (Regional Changes Alpine) by Justin Jenvey Government confirms new Bright police station by 2018 BRIGHT is set to get a new $3.25 million police station. On Monday the Victorian Government announced it would spend $36.8 million to replace or refurbish regional and rural police stations and residences across the state. The Bright station was originally built in 1984 and was designed to cater for five officers. There are now nine members working at the station including one Senior Sergeant, one Sergeant, six officers and one public servant. Staff and offenders must share one toilet while there are no cells, meaning prisoners have to be transported to Wangaratta or Myrtleford. The station received minor extensions in 1992 but those upgrades remain vastly inadequate. The stations shortcomings were identified in 2005 and Senior Sergeant Doug Incoll said it would be great to have a new police headquarters in Bright. We are pleased that the current government has identified the issue and is intending on replacing the station, he said. It will be an upgrade to a contemporary and modern facility but the main thing is it will provide adequate room for the personnel that work here. We will soon have holding cells, and a dedicated Police Operation Centre which will allow for numerous emergency management and co-ordination activities to be better conducted from here on a more regular basis. With a population that is expected to grow significantly and our requirements for incidents such as bushfires, major flooding, land and water based searches for missing persons, rescue and recovery of people in remote bushland and mountain areas it will be great to have improved facilities. Member for Northern Victoria, Jaclyn Symes visited the Bright station yesterday afternoon to officially make the announcement. In Bright, the new police station will accommodate more staff and include detention facilities, meaning officers will no longer need to transport offenders to Wangaratta police station, she said. The new stations and refurbishments will ensure police are working in modern facilities, to better support victims, hold perpetrators to account and assist officers in carrying out their critical work. The station will remain in its current Park Street location and the new facility completed by 2018. Caption Text: WELCOME NEWS: Bright police Senior Sergeant Doug Incoll says a new police station in the town is very much a necessity. PHOTO: Justin Jenvey Copyright Agency licensed copy (www.copyright.com.au)