Advancing school leavers

16 Feb 2016 Macedon Free Press, Kilmore, VIC (General News) MORE than 80 schools within the Northern Victoria region are set to take part in the Advance program which sees secondary school students get involved in community projects. The Advance program engages students by helping them participate in recognised training courses and community projects that develop their communication, project management and teamwork skills, Member for Northern Victoria, Jaclyn Symes said. We are hoping to reduce the impact of disadvantage on achievement, strengthen resilience and reduce the number of young people leaving school between year nine and 12. Last year more than 23,500 Victorian students took part in Advance. Ms Symes said participating schools reported that the program teaches students to lead healthy, active and diverse cultural lives as well as making safe life choices and behaviours. It also teaches students how to identify career pathways, opens up mentoring opportunities and re-engages them in education and employment opportunities. Copyright Agency licensed copy (