Airport changes expand capacity

THE $2.2 million Corryong Airport Precinct Development project has been opened. Works began last year on a new building, runway resurfacing, taxiway extension and lighting upgrades. The upgrades mean Forest Fire Management Victoria can relocate firefighting and suppression activities from the grass airfield at Avondale to Corryong. Restrictions on night-time landing and inadequate infrastructure were previous barriers to the precinct being utilised to its full potential. Northern Victoria MP Jaclyn Symes said the upgrade, funded by the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning, Regional Jobs and Infrastructure Fund and the Towong Council, provided long-term benefit and potentially opened up tourism. Aircraft play a key role in bushfire response, assisting ground crews to contain fires burning on both public and private land, and I am very pleased the Andrews Labor Government have delivered for the North East again, she said.