Assistance provided for volunteer animal carers

27 Jun 2018 Myrtleford Times, Myrtleford VIC (General News) OVENS Valley Wildlife Shelter was last week the recipient of $2000 in funding from the Victorian Government to help care for sick, injured and orphaned wildlife. Jaclyn Symes (MLC, Northern Victoria) announced that 17 shelters and carers in her region were among 107 successful recipients across the state for the 2017/18 Wildlife Rehabilitator Grants. The grants recognise the important work undertaken by rehabilitators and will help with the cost of caring for Victorias diverse wildlife. The program supports wildlife rehabilitators to buy equipment and infrastructure to assist with the operation of their facilities and to attend appropriate training. Were making sure our local volunteers have the tools and the training to protect our native wildlife, Ms Symes said. This is about supporting the volunteers who house, feed and care for our wildlife when they need it most. Ovens Valley Wildlife Shelter is located in Myrtleford with carer Erin Whitford contactable on 0402 376 069.