Back on track

10 Feb 2016 Benalla Ensign, Benalla VIC (General News) by Libby Price Member for Northern Victoria Jaclyn Symes and Benalla Auto Club president Barry Stilo cut the ribbon to open the newly re-surfaced Winton Motor Raceway Track. The total cost of the upgrade was $4.5 million with the state government contributing $1 million. Its hoped the investment and track upgrade will ensure that Winton Motor Raceway remains country Victorias premier race venue and continues to host international events, such as the V8 Supercars Championship and Australian Superbikes Championship. More on Winton on pages 6 and 7. Motor racing makes a convert Its not every day one gets invited for a ride in a real race car on a real race track. So when Judi McDonald, Winton Motor Raceway photographer offered me just that on the day the re-surfaced Winton track was to be opened, I thought, why not and said yes. Then I read the information bring non-flammable clothing covering from the neck to the wrist to the ankles (no nylon permitted), closed shoes must be worn and I started to think, hang on a minute, this could be dangerous. I already compete in the most dangerous sport (the highest number of sport fatalities are from horse riding) and tend nowadays to drive like a granny even though Im yet to become one. But surely the driver Steve Murray who is quite highly ranked in his VN Commodore would drive extra carefully? So off I toddled. Im not one to sit back and watch, so when they said which of you wants the first drive on the track, I of course didnt say anything, just muscled my way into the passenger seat before anyone else had a chance of beating me to it. I am proud to admit it wasnt too difficult clambering over the steel safety frame into the passenger seat, nor was it difficult to work the safety belt. I was in and no-one was going to get me back out. So the ribbon on the $4.5 million upgraded track was cut and we were off in the first three cars to give it a spin. Three very calm, sensible and safe laps. Then back to the pits, well, the shed, and into the serious racing gear. Mr Murray donned the fireproof overalls, slippers, balaclava and helmet. I apparently was expendable and just got a helmet. So off we went for a real lap with instructions, I wont be able to hear you, so if you want to stop or slow down, tap me on the leg. Lap one: fabulous and terrifying all at once. Possible whip lash from the helmeted head being thrown around the car as we cornered. Lap two: no longer scared. Now frustrated at the other cars on the track. Shout at the driver, PASS THE ! And we did. Lap three: were now driving so fast he has no hope of hearing me. Doing a few fishtails, passing every car in our path, corners coming up so fast Id totally lost my bearings. By the time it was all over, I was no longer dreaming of galloping palomino ponies across lush pastures but smelling the burning rubber and feeling what it was to have serious horse power underneath me. Look out Jeremy Clarkson. Libby is now officially a petrol-head. Caption Text: Above and below: The Ensign editor turns into a petrol head. Pictures: Judi McDonald Copyright Agency licensed copy (