Barmah firewood for frail locals, Numurkah Leader

NORTHERN Victoria MP Jaclyn Symes has secured the remaining firewood from Barmah Nation- al Park for vulnerable residents in the Barmah and Nathalia communities. Firewood collection ends in Barmah National Park on June 30, and the final firewood available from previous commercial logging operations will be distributed to those most in need. A spokesperson from Ms Symes office said that the _ Department of Health and Human Services had a register of vulnerable people, who were mainly elderly residents with limited mobility. He said others had contacted the Moira Shire, or Ms Symes office directly. Under this scheme, the firewood would be directly delivered to these people. Ms Symes said the Woka Wolla crew, part of Yorta Yorta Nation Aboriginal Corporation, will cut up previously fallen trees within the next fortnight, and supply the wood to a select number of local residents identified with the help of community members. We know there are people living in local communities, particularly vulnerable residents, who depend upon firewood for their daily activities, Ms Symes said. A number of vulnerable residents raised firewood collection with me earlier this year and I am pleased to have developed a solution in conjunction with various government departments to ensure during this cold winter, these families will be able to keep warm and cook food for their families. For the spring domestic firewood season and beyond, all local residents will be able to collect firewood from Barmah Island, just outside Barmah National Park. Ms Symes said that firewood is a limited resource that needs to be managed without compromising forest health.