Benalla given $4.4m

19 Apr 2017 Benalla Ensign, Benalla VIC (General News) Benalla Health wins $4.4 million from state government for extending agedcare facilities: full report page 3. Ben Benalla Health has received the largest single government grant in its history nearly $4.4 million dollars in state government funding for construction of a new wing in the Morrie Evans aged-care facility, a new defibrillator monitor, a portable ultrasound and upgrading of IT. Benalla Health chief executive Janine Holland said she was thrilled beyond words. The funding will mean the facility, which historically has had four residents per room, will ultimately have 30 one-bed rooms complete with an ensuite each. Works are already under way converting some rooms to two beds each, but the new funding will mean that will now be superseded by single-bed rooms. Building will commence later on this year, we hope, Ms Holland said. It will got to tender and then the board (of Benalla Health) will endorse the preferred builder and well start. Labor Upper House Member for Northern Victoria Jaclyn Symes said the funding of $4 396 640 was through the first round of the Labor Governments new Regional Health Infrastructure Fund. The $200 million fund the largest of its kind in history supports country hospitals to purchase necessary equipment, update IT and communications and build new facilities, so that the hard-working doctors, nurses and staff can get on with doing what they do best, caring for our community and saving lives, Ms Symes said. Benalla Health will now be able to purchase a new defibrillator monitor and portable ultrasound device to improve patient management and outcomes, as well as reduce the incidents of emergency ambulance transfer to North East Health Wangaratta for vascular access and diagnostic and storage infrastructure $13 provided to replace the ageing information and communications technology, that are so important to support the effective clinical operations of Benalla Health. Almost $2 million will be spent to improve the Morrie Evans Wing of the hospital, with the construction of 0 000 ensuites, sitting and sunroom, nurse offices and store rooms. Morrie Evans nurse unit manager Nathan Willoughby said the extensions would bring the agedcare facility up to accepted standards. It was pretty archaic as rse Unit Manager Nathan Willo odhouse. come in and pay money to be in, Mr Willoughby said. Weve progressively upgraded those rooms to shared rooms with ensuites, but this is the cherry on the top. This gets us to the point where they (residents) will have privacy, dignity, and theyll be able to make that space their own. This funding follows the $300 000 announced by Ms Symes in June last year that upgraded eight Morrie Evans rooms. The new buildings will join up with the existing Morrie Evans wing and the acute care ward of the hospital making it easier to move between wings and creating more security for staff, residents, patients and visitors. I was born at the Benalla Hospital and in recent times oughby, Benalla Health CEO Health gave my grandmothers, so on a personal level I am incredibly proud to help give back to this wonderful facility, Ms Symes said. Labors investment will secure the future of Benalla Health and make a real difference to the lives of patients who will get the safe, high-quality care and treatment they need. Our dedicated Benalla doctors, nurses and support staff are remarkable and Labor is supporting them to do their job, keeping people healthy, by giving them the modern facilities and equipment they need and deserve. Morrie Evans becomes the home for many older Benalla locals and this investment delivers modern facilities that will enhance Janine Holland and Director Clinical Services Maree W FUNDING BREAKDOWN Defibrillator monitor $32 970 Portable ultrasound $52 670 Construction of a new Morrie Evans building with nine single rooms with ensuites, four store rooms, sunroom sitting and a nurse station. This new wing will join up with the Stage 2 section of the Morrie Evans Wing $2 601 000 Construction of a new building comprising seven single rooms with ensuites, a store room and a Nurse Unit Managers office. This new wing will join up the Morrie Evans wing with the current Acute ward $1 580 000 Caption Text: Thrilled beyond words: Minister for Northern Victoria Jaclyn Symes officially announces $4.4 million to extend Licensed by Copyright Agency. You may only copy or communicate this work with a licence