Bike upgrades at local stations

03 Oct 2017 North Central Review (Kilmore), Melbourne (General News) RAIL passengers in Mitchell Shire will soon see minor facility improvements in several of their stations as part of the Road and Rail Minor Works Program. Member for Northern Victoria, Jaclyn Symes, announced that Ace Infrastructure and Keystone Civil will deliver the infrastructure upgrades to many towns in the coming months. The program includes installing bike cages at the Seymour station and bike hoops at the Broadford, Kilmore East, Tallarook, Wandong and Heathcote Junction stations. Investing in station upgrades and improvements are important for passengers comfort and to make it easier to access local public transport options, Mc Symes said. Additional bike cages and hoops at our local stations will provide better security for bike riders who wish to ride to their local station. Licensed by Copyright Agency. You may only copy or communicate this work with a licence.