Bombers set for a wardrobe update

16 Dec 2015 Myrtleford Times, Myrtleford VIC (General News) DEDERANG/Mt Beauty footy club is among the more than 20 sporting clubs in the region to share in theVictorian Governments Sporting Club Grants Program. The Bombers have been given $1000 towards uniforms next year. Jaclyn Symes (MLC, Northern Victoria) said it was part of the governments commitment to sport. We understand the importance of community sporting clubs, it is where families connect, kids strive to be the best they can be and beginners become stars, she said. CountryVictoria loves its sport and the government is committed to giving our emerging crop of stars the best chance of becoming champions. Ms Symes said the State Government was committed to making community sport part of the lives of all Victorians, and the Sporting Club Grants Program does just that. Sporting clubs, particularly in our country towns are the lifeblood of our suburbs and towns, where kids learn valuable life lessons and enjoy great moments, she said. Victoria is the sporting state. Copyright Agency licensed copy (