Boost for grassroots soccer

18 Apr 2018 Mansfield Courier, Mansfield VIC (General News) THE State Government is helping local soccer clubs improve their facilities and encourage more locals in Northern Victoria to play the world game. Jaclyn Symes (MLC, Northern Victoria), said to ensure the world game continues to grow at the grassroots level, the government has announced a $2.5 million World Game Facilities Fund to help clubs upgrade or build new facilities across the state. Ms Symes said up to $250,000 funding for projects would be available to upgrade facilities. Soccer is booming across Victoria with more than 350,000 people hitting the pitch and thats why the Andrews Labor Government is investing in the sports grassroots future, she said. The new fund will work to support local soccer clubs and organisations in Northern Victoria to undertake projects such as lighting upgrades, pitch redevelopments, synthetic pitch developments and unisex accessible change rooms. Lighting and synthetic pitch projects mean the whole community can benefit from a facility that can be used night or day, and dont require the burden of watering and maintenance, said Ms Symes. Upgrading change rooms to unisex means that women and girls will finally now have the facilities they deserve and help level the playing field. This funding will inspire even more of our kids to sign up to their local soccer club, get active and play the game they love. Applications for the World Game Facilities Fund are now open. For more information visit by Copyright Agency. You may only copy or communicate this work with a licence.