Bringing creativity to the classroom

12 Jul 2017 Alexandra Eildon Marysville Standard, Alexandra VIC (General News) Bringing creativity to the classroom A NEW program launched by the Victorian government will provide classrooms in Northern Victoria with access to the states leading creative practitioners. The program, called Creative Learning Partnerships, is designed to inject creativity into school curriculums and give schools the opportunity to tap into the states creative industries. This is a fantastic opportunity for students in Northern Victoria to work with some of Victorias most talented creative professionals, and to take a more creative approach to all their education, Labor Upper House member for Northern Victoria, Jaclyn Symes said. Creative Learning Partnerships is an offshoot of the previous Artists in Schools program in which artists worked with schools on various projects from theatre to sculpture. The Creative Learning Partnerships program expands on the programs of the past and will provide students with more opportunities to learn from, and work alongside, some of the states most dynamic creative minds, Ms Symes said. It also gives schools the opportunity to engage with Victorian arts and creative organisations which rank among the best in the world. The program can involve professionals or organisations from many different creative fields, from performing arts to design to digital games development. Each project will take place over a period of approximately 20 days, with it being aimed at all students though to Year 10. Schools can apply for grants of $10,000 to work with individual artists and professionals or $35,000 to work with creative organisations. We need to teach our children to think critically and creatively to ensure they are ready for the jobs of the future. That is why programs like this are so important, Ms Symes added. A series of information sessions regarding the program will take place across Victoria this month. To find out more about the Creative Learning Partnerships program, or to register for an information session, visit au. Licensed by Copyright Agency. You may only copy or communicate this work with a licence.