Building boost for Mens Shed

07 Aug 2018 North Central Review (Kilmore), Melbourne (General News) EXTENSIONS to the Kilmore Mens Shed complex on Hums Road are rapidly becoming a reality thanks to grants from the state government and the Foundation for Regional and Rural Renewal (FRRR). The project will benefit from 160,000 from the state government and 120,000 from FRRR to fund anew building. The new building at the Mens Shed will accommodate the expanding Kilmore membership, currently at 94 members, and provide a space for meetings and training courses. The building will also enable the group to host a range of social and wellbeing activities. Member for Northern Victoria. Jaclyn Symes, toured the facility last week with members of Mitchell Shire Council staff saying that she was impressed with the strong community backing demonstrated by the in-kind support received for the construction. The new building is an important milestone for the Kilmore community and in particular for the 150 Kilmore shedders. I am delighted the government is investing in this new mens shed facility for Kilmore. Ms Symes said. I congratulate Kilmore Mens Shed President and Vice President Neil Kelton and John Perron, and Councils Community Development Coordinator, Buffy Leadbelter, for the hard work they have put in on this successful application. Mitchell Shires Manager Community Strengthening, Jo Wilson, described the Mens Shed as a facility as a wonderful asset that played a vital role in the health and wellbeing of the wider community. [The sheds] are an inclusive social connection that keeps peoples minds and bodies active while producing some fantastic items that can be shared with the community, Ms Wilson said. Mens Shed President, Nell Kelton. thanked Ms Symes, Mitchell Shire and FRRR for the funding and support received for the project. Kilmore shedders will now have a brand new home where they can get together, work on valuable projects and forge stronger ties with other members of their community, Mr Kelton said. Mens sheds play a vital role in local communities throughout Northern Victoria and I am proud to support the movement that gives back to the local community as well as improving mens health and wellbeing, Ms Symes said.