Celebration at the station, Yarrawonga Chronicle, Yarrawonga VIC

The bustling centre of town a hundred years ago, from near demolition to complete refurbishment, the Yarrawonga Railway Station was officially returned to the community last week. A journey that speaks volumes to the will of a community to preserve history rather than see it destroyed, ended with the official opening of the refurbished 127 year old station by Victorian Deputy Premier James Merlino. Now Yarrawongas new community hub, the station has been returned to its glory days thanks to a $600,000 refurbishment through the Victorian Community Use of Vacant Rail Buildings Program. Fresh paint, new windows and doors, walls, floor and roof rebuilt or repaired and a new wooden deck, the Yarrawonga Railway Station is a site to behold. It will now be home to a variety of community groups, with doors thrown open to all who wish to utilise the beautiful historical building with the added benefit of a few modern conveniences added. Already members of the Yarrawonga Mulwala Artists Association, Lake Mulwala Quilters, CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 Celebration at the station CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 Yarrawonga Urban Landcare Group, Yarrawonga Mulwala Historical Society, Save Our Station and the Yarrawonga Community Garden are regular users of the community hub. This new community centre is a celebration of Yarrawongas historic past and its bright future, said Deputy Premier Merlino. The Andrews Labor Government wants to see country communities thriving, which is what this $600,000 investment is all about. Mr Merlino acknowledged bipartisan support for the project and acknowledged the work of Member for Ovens Valley Tim McCurdy. Member for Northern Victoria Jaclyn Symes said,this project has revitalised Yarrawongas historic station, making it part of the everyday life of the community once again. The restored building will be a community and cultural centre, with meeting, exhibition and activity spaces for local groups to use and enjoy. Yarrawonga Mulwala Development Inc (YMD) will be the leaseholders of the Yarrawonga Railway Station and Chair Mary Hockley thanked all involved with the project including architect Andrew Davidson, Chippa Constructions and the many local trades and services who contributed to the refurbishment. YMD came on board to help save the Yarrawonga Railway Station following a ground swell of community support dating back to 2012 when the station was earmarked for demolition. Station supporters, many from within the ranks of the Yarrawonga Mulwala Historical Society, formed the Save Our Station Committee. The committee launched a campaign of publicity, petitions and collected community donations, with the singular goal of keeping the station from demolition. At the forefront of the campaign was Save Our Station committee member Elaine Price who, as she had the final word at the opening of the refurbished station, was emotional in offering her thanks. Thank you one and all in helping to achieve our dream to preserve the station, she said. Yarrawonga is the fifth project completed under the Community Use of Vacant Rail Buildings Program. Other completed projects are at Yarragon, Beaufort, Chiltern and Inglewood. The Program is being managed by VicTrack, owners of Victorias rail land and assets, on behalf of Public Transport Victoria. Caption Text: Elaine Price from the Save Our Station committee, Deputy Premier James Merlino, Yarrawonga Mulwala Development Inc Chair Mary Hockley, Member for Northern Victoria Jaclyn Symes and Member for Ovens Valley Tim McCurdy celebrated the official opening of the refurbished Yarrawonga Railway Station. Official guests received a book detailing the stations refurbishment.