CFA in shire gets a boost

06 Jun 2018 Alexandra Eildon Marysville Standard, Alexandra VIC (General News) NORTHERN Victoria volunteer firefighters have received hundreds of thousands of dollars for vital equipment upgrades and initiatives to strengthen volunteerism. Upper House Member for Northern Victoria, Jaclyn Symes, has announced there are 106 Northern Victoria brigades from a total of almost 250 successful applications in the first round of the CFAs Enhancing Volunteerism Grants Program. The grants will provide volunteer firefighters with a welcome boost, supporting vital equipment and facility upgrades, as well as local initiatives that strengthen volunteerism and brigade culture. They aim to enhance operational capability, improve culture and diversity, strengthen leadership skills and encourage recruitment, retention and recognition ofvolunteers. In Acheron, the brigade received two grants, with $1,227 to go towards CFA shirts and caps and another $3,600 being allocated to train and license new volunteer tanker drivers. Koriella Brigade received $18,680 to improve internet access to their facility, purchase IT equipment, supply uniforms and fund an event to celebrate the brigades 70th birthday. It will also contribute toward improving facilities and fixtures and the purchase of a marquee. Glenburn Brigade will receive $2,249 to improve their response to community need. The grant will cover the purchase a laptop and enable the brigade to connect to a 4G WiFi Broadband. Ms Symes congratulated the 106 Northern Victoria brigades in her electorate for their successful application and said the grants were being provided to support volunteer firefighters on a number of different fronts. The total value of the program is $10 million, with the remaining $4.84 million to be allocated in a second round ofgrants. The volunteers in country Northern Victoria are a treasured part of our community, so I am delighted they have been successful in securing this latest round of funding, Ms Symes said. The first round of the Enhancing Volunteerism Grants Program grants builds on the outstanding service volunteer brigades provide in protecting lives and properties across country Northern Victoria. Applications for the second round will open for 30 days from June 1.