Community CONNECT

10 Feb 2016 Benalla Ensign, Benalla VIC (General News) Facts about the Benalla Landfill and Resource Recovery Centre There has been a lot of new information out recently about the Benalla Landfill and Resource Recovery Centre. We are providing you with a run-down of the facts here so that you can stay well informed about this important community asset. Landfill rehabilitation Rehabilitation of the landfill site is an important issue. It is separate to the new cell construction, or any future plans for the landfill. Rehabilitation where former landfill cells are buried has to be undertaken regardless of the options being considered for the future of the site (see below). In Victoria the Environment Protection Authority has introduced new standards for landfill cell development, methane gas management, capping and rehabilitation and annual monitoring and reporting. This has significantly increased costs. All Councils which operate landfills were asked by the Auditor General Victoria to revalue their facilities in the 2014/15 financia year, based on these EPA Best Practice Guidelines (2014). f Benallas rehabilitation valuation under these new guidelines increased from $2.02m to $7.52m. This work does not have to be completed immediately, and we are investigating ways of reducing the cost. f We propose to address this expenditure over 10 to 20 years by putting aside funding each year from the Councils Capital Expenditure Program. f This will not require additional funding from Council rates and will be accommodated within the annual rate cap imposed by the State Government (2.5% for 2016/17). e Landfill Cell Construction g The new landfill cell (pictured below) and leachate pond are anticipated to be completed and ready for use by the end of April 2016. This has been a significant capital project costing in excess of $1.5m with an expected cell d life of 2 years. A complex project The construction of a landfill cell is a complex project, al bringing together multiple suppliers and contractors, several different levels of government reporting at every stage of the project, and the variability of the weather. Given all these factors, the Council has worked hard to avoid as much delay as possible. Temporary landfill diversion for commercial waste Due to the delay in the landfill cell construction caused by the wet winter and difficulty obtaining materials to finalise the project, the landfill will not have space to accept waste from the end of February until the new cell is completed at the end of April 2016. This measure has been taken under direction from the Environment Protection Authority (EPA). Household waste collection is not affected f The Councils waste collection will be diverted to Wangaratta and Shepparton, at minimal cost. f Nothing will change in the weekly kerbside collection. It will continue as usual. f Residents will be able empty trailer and car loads of waste into skips at the landfill, and recyclable and green waste will still be accepted. Further details about landfill operations will be available next week. Quick facts: f The landfill cell (left) and leachate pond (inset) are expected to be finished by the end of April 2016. f The landfill will not be accepting commercial waste from the end of February until this construction work is finished. f This construction work is separate from the cost of rehabilitating former landfill cell sites. f Rehabilitation of former landfill cells will not require additional funding from rates. f The Council is considering options for the landfill site (below) into the future. Landfill options for the future The options being considered by the Council for the Landfill site in the next five years are to: f Close the facility and transport waste to other landfills in the region. f Continue to operate the landfill and increase the volume of waste tonnage. f Redevelop the facility as a joint venture / shared service facility with other Councils in the North East Region. The third option will be considered in a feasibility study for which the Council has received $75,000 from the State Government under its Sustainable Business Capacity Grants Program. The Council is grateful to Jaclyn Symes, Member for Northern Victoria for her support for the application. The study is supported by the North East Waste and Resource Recovery Group and all 12 Councils in the North East Region will be invited to participate in the Business Case preparation. The Feasibility Study and Business Case will examine economies of scale in waste streaming and disposal within the context of the State Governments State-wide Waste and Resource Recovery Infrastructure Plan that was released in June last year. The Infrastructure Plan is to be underpinned by the preparation of Regional Waste and Resource Recovery Implementation Plans by the seven regional waste management groups appointed by the State Government. Resource Recovery Centre is an 44.5 Ha site that includes currently used cells, land for building future cells, and land that must be rehabilitated following the closure of former cells. If you have any questions about the Benalla Landfill and Resource Recovery Centre, please contact the Council on (03) 5760 2600 or email Copyright Agency licensed copy (