Commuters get online, Seymour Telegraph, Seymour VIC

Commuters on the Seymour line will benefit from a new project that will fix mobile blackspots along the rail line, improving mobile connectivity for passengers. There are more than 1.8 million passenger trips made along the Seymour to Melbourne rail line annually, and regular passengers would be familiar with reception problems, particularly around Beveridge and Kilmore East. Member for Northern Victoria Jaclyn Symes said poor mobile coverage affects regular commuters who travel to Melbourne for work or study and need to use their smart phones, tablets and laptops. The Seymour-Melbourne rail line is one of Victorias busiest. This project will allow commuters to use their travel time more effectively and access the same services that are afforded to metropolitan commuters, she said. However, the planned wi-fi on the line has been scrapped, with Labor tearing up the Coalitions plan to provide wi-fi on the line also. Funding of $40 million was set aside for this project in early 2014, Nationals member for Euroa Steph Ryan said. It wasnt a promise the money was in the budget. After sitting on his hands for 12 months, Daniel Andrews has cut $22 million from the project and scrapped wi-fi services. Under Daniel Andrews plan, wi-fi will no longer be delivered, only mobile phone blackspots will be fixed which means Seymour commuters will have to pay to access internet also. Caption Text: Connectivity: Mobile blackspots on the Seymour line will soon be a thing of the past.