Corryong to get a new police station

21 Apr 2016 Corryong Courier, Corryong VIC (General News) The Victorian government has announced a package to upgrade police facilities, including new police stations in Corryong and Bright. The government will spend $36.8 million to replace or refurbish regional and rural police stations and residences, so that police officers in country Victoria have secure and modern facilities, said Member for Northern Victoria, Jaclyn Symes. The funding package includes $3.21 million to replace the Corryong police station and $3.25 million to replace the Bright police station. The redevelopment of Corryong police station will increase capacity, boost security for police officers and allow offenders to be better managed on-site thereby avoiding the long journey to the Wodonga police station, Ms Symes said. This will free up police resources for frontline duties in the Corryong and broader community. Being able to accommodate more staff and greater detention facilities means that officers will be able to have prisoners maintained at those facilities rather than many hours spent on the road transporting them to other police stations. The new stations and refurbishments will ensure police are working in modern facilities, to better support victims, hold perpetrators to account and assist officers in carrying out their critical work, Ms Symes said. The regional stations investment is part of the governments $596 million Public Safety Package in the 2016-17 Budget, delivering over 400 extra police and funding for the latest technology and equipment. It is expected that the new police stations will be completed by 2018.