Events future secure

25 Jan 2017 Benalla Ensign, Benalla VIC (General News) by Libby Price State comes to festivals rescue with $75k grant The future of Benallas Wall to Wall Street Art Festival has been secured with the state government announcement last Friday that it would give $75 000 towards this years festival. The funds, secured by Member for Northern Victoria Jaclyn Symes, came just in the nick of time with the festival only two months away. Ms Symes said she was particularly passionate about Benallas street art having grown up in the town. The first year . . . you did it caps in hand, you got a little bit of community support. You pulled off an amazing event, Mr Symes said. Second year, go around, caps in hand again. I couldnt pull together much funding for you last year, and I know an incredible amount of work goes into it, you dont really have time to be going around caps in hand again. The Street Art Committee and Shaun (Hossack, director of Wall to Wall) have been working closely with Creative Victoria in terms of trying to get some additional funding and Ive been pushing really hard in my capacity as a local member. Through all that hard work, my announcement today is that the Victorian Labor Government is going to provide $75 000 to the 2017 Wall to Wall Festival to make it bigger and better than what you guys have already been doing on your own and I think its really going to pave the way for a permanent fixture on the Benalla calender thats going to bring in visitors from all around Australia, not just for the festival but the enduring nature of the art is that were getting people to our town, spending money, helping our businesses and building our economy through our beautiful street art. The Street Art Committees applications through the usual arts funding channels were unsuccessful. Committee spokesperson Jim Myconos admitted it had been a worrying few months after they were told their applications were rejected. We are just so excited the fact that weve had this support this year, Mr Myconos said. Certainly your efforts (Ms Symes), Shauns efforts, and the council efforts have been fantastic. As a committee we were a bit despairing a month or so ago. This has just given us the fillip we really need. Ive got to say the towns put a fair bit of pressure on us to do better again this year and this will really make it happen. Festival director Shaun Hossack said this years event would cement the festival as the largest in street art in regional Australia. Continued Page 3 Funds will see festival shine From Page 1 Weve got about 20 artists, Mr Hossack said. It will be our largest international line-up this year. Weve got artists from five different countries including Portugal, Argentina, France Now that weve got this funding, it means we can really legitimise the festival, create a high-quality website, printed marketing materials et cetera. Were not struggling any more, so I think this year will really make it the festival in Australia. Benalla Rural City Council Mayor Don Firth was sold on the concept in the first year of the festival. When I first say those three (street art works) on the side of the SEC building for the first time, Ive gone, wow, theyve got something here, Cr Firth said. Through the help of the Victorian Government and Jaclyn (Symes) we now have what could be one of the really big things that Benalla can look forward to going forward. Caption Text: Active participant: Russian artist Julia Volchkova has been actively involved in graffiti and street art movement in cities she has travelled to. In the nick of time: The Victorian Government has announced $75 000 for the Benalla Wall to Wall Street Art Festival. Pictured are festival director Shaun Hossack, Member for Northern Victoria Jaclyn Symes, Street Art Committees Jim Myconos, Cr Danny Claridge, Mayor Don Firth and street artist Kaffiene, in front of Adnates work from last years festival. Exciting: Portuguese artist, Odeith specialises in Anamorphic art. Early on, the artist showed a special interest in perspective and shading, in an obscure style, which he later called sombre 3D, where the compositions, landscapes or portraits, messages or homages, stood out for their realism and technique. Water tower project: Argentinian painter, Martin Ron has been selected to revolutionise Benallas landmark water tower in Riverview Rd. His work now appears on the walls in the streets of his home, Tres de Febrero and then, different neighbourhoods in the city of Buenos Aires, other provinces in Argentina, and countries, such as England, Spain, the United States, among others, have also seen his art. Licensed by Copyright Agency. You may only copy or communicate this work with a licence