Fighting fruit fly

01 Aug 2018 Seymour Telegraph, Seymour VIC (General News) Fighting fruit fly Three local groups will be able to continue their work to help tackle Queensland fruit fly (QFF) head on, thanks to Victorian Government Seymour Agricultural and Pastoral Society and South West Goulburn Landcare each receiving $5000, while the Tallarook Mechanic Institute will reap the benefit of $4710 grant funding. Member for Northern Victoria Jaclyn Symes said the program supports a coordinated and collaborative approach to QFF management, with a special focus on projects that contribute to protecting local horticultural industries. Queensland fruit fly is a serious pest and we need a collaborative approach to reduce its impact on the states horticultural industries, which are worth $1.1 billion to Victorias export economy, Ms Symes said. Managing fruit fly is everyones responsibility and these grants enable industry and the community to take ownership of QFF control in their area, which we know gives us the best results. For full details of all the Managing Fruit Fly Grants allocated across Victoria, go to qff-grants