Free milk, beans

07 Sep 2016 Benalla Ensign, Benalla VIC (General News) Its back to the future for Benalla P-12 students who will be served free milk from next year under the State Governments School Breakfast Clubs program. A similar scheme was introduced by the Menzies Federal Government in the early 1950s and ran for nearly two decades. The Andrews Government announced that Pactum Dairy Group in Shepparton would exclusively supply milk to the School Breakfast Clubs program from next year. Member for Northern Victoria and Breakfast Club Ambassador Jaclyn Symes said School Breakfast Clubs provided a free breakfast to up to 25 000 children in 500 Victorian Government primary schools most in need. The new deal will see dairy farmers in the Murray Goulburn region supply about 400 000 litres of milk a year to the program, benefiting the 130 farms in the district who supply Pactum Dairy. From next year School Breakfast Clubs will also include 80 tonnes of Australian-grown baked beans from SPC Ardmona in Shepparton each year. Ms Symes said the Labor Government had partnered with Foodbank, the largest welfare food agency in Australia, to establish and lead the statewide School Breakfast Clubs program, using their existing warehousing, storage and freight network. The $13.7 million program is another example of the Labor Government building the Education State to ensure every child, regardless of their postcode, has access to a first-rate education, Ms Symes said. Not only are Northern Victoria students getting a healthy start to the day through the School Breakfast Clubs Program, were also helping support Victorian dairy farmers and local industry. One in seven Victorian children arrives at school on an empty stomach affecting their ability to concentrate and learn. The School Breakfast Clubs in our schools ensure that every student starts the day on a full stomach, so they can concentrate and reach their full potential by using Victorian dairy and food suppliers we can also help boost jobs and industry. Caption Text: Hearty breakfast: Milk and baked beans will be served in School Breakfast Clubs from next year. Licensed by Copyright Agency. You may only copy or communicate this work with a licence.