Funding for Benalla art festival

01 Feb 2017 Wangaratta Chronicle, Wangaratta VIC (General News) A STREET art festival based in Benalla and considered the first of its kind in regional Victoria, has secured $75,000 in funding from the Victorian Government. Jaclyn Symes (MLC, Northern Victoria), who said the funding would ensure Benallas 2017 Wall to Wall Festival could be taken to the next level. Ms Symes said the festival had generated much excitement not only in Benalla but around the country, while also attracting international attention. She said funding would not have been obtained without the hard work of Wall to Wall Festival director, Shaun Hossack, the Benalla Street Art Committee and the Minister for Creative Industries, Martin Foley. The Wall to Wall Festival was initiated by the Benalla Street Art group in 2015 when a collective of local and international artists were commissioned to come together for a weekend to paint murals on bare walls in the town. There are now around 28 street art murals in Benalla including some which have received international acclaim. Ms Symes said one of the attractions of the Wall to Wall Festival was that the works produced last beyond the weekend providing an all year reason for visitors to stop in Benalla. The 2017 Benalla Wall to Wall Festival will run from April 5 to 9. Licensed by Copyright Agency. You may only copy or communicate this work with a licence.