Funding to connect young families

02 Feb 2016 Macedon Free Press, Kilmore, VIC (General News) FAMILIES in the Macedon Ranges Shire are set to benefit from a $44,500 grant that will support the establishment of a new program that focuses on improving engagement between young parents and maternal and child health services across the shire. The funding was announced by the Minister for Families and Children, Jenny Mikakos MP and Member for Macedon, Mary-Anne Thomas during a visit to Lady Brooks Kindergarten in Kyneton last week and is part of the Victorian Governments Maternal and Child Health Service Innovation Fund. Macedon Ranges Shire Council Mayor, Cr Graham Hackett welcomed the funding contribution and acknowledged the importance of the much-needed funds in ensuring that council can improve connections and support available to young families. Data shows that some young parents in the shire are not accessing services and other mainstream support such as new parent groups and playgroups as much as other age groups. Location or limited transport options are often barriers for some families in rural areas and in some cases, reduced access can increase the risk of social isolation and vulnerability. Young parents in Macedon do not generally attend new parenting groups and have limited opportunities to observe parent modelling. Cr Hackett added that the project will reduce the social isolation of young parents by engaging them in the maternal and child health service and link them to existing programs, activities and resources in the community. The project will encourage positive and supportive ongoing peer led connections between young isolated parents through the use of social media. It will also build collaborative partnerships between services in the area that work with young parents. This is a great opportunity to be innovative in our response to these issues to ensure services remain effective and adapt to the needs of the community, he said. Council will use the funding to explore ways to improve partnerships between young parents, service providers and the broader community, including options for a peer-led young parent social media support network, coordinated events and transport assistance. The funding will also boost resources and activities to increase community connectedness and improve referral pathways for Maternal and Child Health nurses to support young parents. Member for Northern Victoria Jaclyn Symes said the grants support fresh, creative thinking about how maternal child health services can better support local vulnerable families at the early stages of a childs life. Following the roll out of these local initiatives, successful experiences and results will be shared with maternal child health services across the state, Ms Symes said. Through health promotion, early detection and intervention and early learning, maternal and child health nurses provide free support and advice regarding parenting and childrens health and development. This innovative program will help us make sure we are responding to the diverse needs of local families, particularly our more vulnerable. The Young Parent Connection is a partnership between Macedon Ranges Health, Cobaw Community Health, and Macedon Ranges Shire Youth Services. The Young Parent Connection project will begin in March. Copyright Agency licensed copy (