23 Dec 2015 Euroa Gazette, Euroa VIC (General News) GOLF EUROA GOLF CLUB By STICKS WITH the extremely hot weather of late, numbers have been down at the Euroa Golf Club. Golf will continue over Christmas with events on Wednesday, 23 December, which will be stableford. Saturday, December 26 (Boxing Day) and Wednesday, December 30 are both stableford events. Friday, January 1 will be Twilight Golf and there will also be golf on Saturday, January 2. Membership is now due. Members who pay before January 31 go into a draw for full 2017 membership. Results: Wednesday, December 16 was a stableford event with 25 players. Winner of division one: Ash Combrink (40 points) Third shot on the 4th, 7020: P Bjorksten Nearest the pin: on the 8th (sponsored by Ausrural) Jeff Moran and on the 18th (sponsored by Burtons Stores) Jeff Moran. Ball winners: Keith Seeber (40), Tom Brodie (39), Jeff Moran (39) and Bruce Anderson (38). Results: Saturday, December 19 was a stableford event with 22 players. Winner of division one: Ash Combrink (46). Drive and pitch: on the 4th hole (sponsored by Franz Kloft Motors) the club, on the 7th (sponsored by Castle Creek Motel) David Fullager, on the 11th (sponsored by Ford McKernan Engineering) Mark Corradin and on the 16th (sponsored by Elders) Mark Corradin. Nearest the pin: on the 5th (sponsored by Bill Hill) Mark Corradin, on the 8th (sponsored by Ausrural) David Fullager, on the 12th (sponsored by Walters Bus Lines) Bill Hill, on the 15th (sponsored by Amcal Pharmacy) Mark Corradin and on the 18th (sponsored by Burtons Stores) Ash Combrink. Ball winners: Paul Jones (40), Ash Pedder (40), Warrick Smith (39), Frank OConnor (39), Steve McKernan (39) and Brian Rule (39). EUROA LADIES GOLF By BIRDIE THE nine hole stableford competition on Tuesday, December 15 was well attended by both men and ladies. Winners for the day were: division one, winner for the men, Keith Seeber with 20 points, and the runner up was Brian Rule. Division one winner for the ladies was Linda Combrink with 19 points on count back from Levenia Redfern. Division two winner was Bev Asquith with 19 points, and the runner up was Dawn Day with 18 points. Division three winner was Joan Sargood with 21 points, and the runner up, was Di Arnold with 20 points. The nearest the pin on the 8th was May Hamilton and the drive and pitch on the 5th, went to Judy McLean. Ten players competed in a stableford event on Wednesday, December 16. Bev Asquith won with 43 points and the runner up was Bev Jungwirth with 37 points. Nearest the pin winners were: Judy McLean on the 8th, no one on the 12th and Gail Allen on the 18th. Drive and pitch winners were Maudie Ingram on the 5th and Freda Edwards on the 15th. The heat on Saturday, December 19 kept numbers down for a stableford round. Those who played teed off very early, some as the sun was coming up. Gail Allen won with 40 points and the runner up was Linda Combrink with 39 points. Nearest the pin winners were Levenia Redfern on the 8th, Kae Lummas on the 12th and May Hamilton on the 18th. The drive and pitch winners were Dot Rule on the 5th and Gail Allen on the 15th. NAGAMBIE MENS GOLF THE annual Christmas cross country two man Ambrose event with the Ray Cassar memorial trophy on offer was won by Peter Lawrence and John Richards with a 34.15 nett. The regular pairing of Lawrence and Richards have done very well throughout the year finishing no worse than the top three in some of the clubs major events. Runners up were Gary Bow and Ken Watson with a 34.75 nett, followed by Phil Hageman and Glen Evans on 35.75 nett. With the cross country composite course being played on the day, five nearest the pin prizes were on offer, thanks to our sponsors the Royal Mail Hotel, Nagambie, ABS Shepparton, and Ben Cassar Scandia Stoves. The 2nd hole went to B. Le Cerf, the 5th to B. Cryer, the 7th to G. Evans, the near impossible 9th to B. Stevens and D. Love knocking one close on the 12th. The Nagambie Golf Club would like to thank all our players, sponsors and volunteers who participated and helped make 2015 a very successful year for our club. We wish everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. NAGAMBIE LADIES GOLF Ladies and Chicken Run ON Wednesday, December 16, 12 women were out playing stableford. The winner of A grade was Gay Henderson with a good 39 points while the B and C grade winner was Irene Keogh with a great 41 points. The 9 hole winner was Jane Bow on 22 points, with balls down the line for 18 holes going to I Keogh, G Henderson and J Goodacre with 36 points on a count back from Sally Bazeley and the 9 hole balls went to J Bow, I Keogh 21 points and J Goodacre 20 points. Nearest the pin on the 3rd was Deirdre Kleinig and on the 16th S Bazeley. We then departed for the Nagambie Lakes Entertainment Centre for our Christmas break up and also the drawing of our great Christmas hamper raffle. Jesse Taylor (Hall) was the winner and we wish to thank all members for the donations to the hamper and for selling tickets. The ladies next competition will be stroke on Wednesday, January 6. The club send their deepest sympathy to Fred Bloetz, Fred Junior, Liz and Angela on the passing this week of our former member Lottie who will be sadly missed. The chicken run on Thursday, December 17, saw 23 players tee off for a stroke event in very warm conditions. The winner was Ross Murray with 47-18-29nett with no nearest the pin recorded. Next week will be stableford on the back nine. There was no competition on Saturday due to the extreme heat and we certainly need lots of rain to fall. STRATHBOGIE GOLF CLUB THERE were fair conditions on Tuesday when fourteen men and five ladies played the nine hole Twilight course. The winner was Rob Brownlee with 20 points on a count back from Helen Hill. Line balls went to Grant Pearce and Barry OConner. Nearest the pin on the 8th went to Helen Hill and the mens drive and pitch on the 10th went to Greg Roberts, who is beginning to show some form whilst playing with some big hitters who obviously have got him going. On Saturday, stableford was the game when twelve players hit off early in very trying conditions. This number included a visitor, Laurie Dobson from Broadford. Again class shone out with Rob Brownlee taking the double with 37 points, much to the anguish of his playing partner and captain Paul Buckley who promptly lost four balls in four holes when the pressure was applied. Paul, now will have to put up with the banter for some weeks and may never recover. Line balls went to Greg Roberts with 36 points and Alan Moore with 34 points. Ryley McDonald had a field day winning nearest the pins on the 4th, 8th and 17th, Alan Moore got the 15th and Alan also got lucky winning the putts. Members are reminded that after golf on Tuesday, January 5, Keith Seeber is celebrating his first twilight win at the Royal course by cooking a fish barbeque. So come along for the game and the food. The club extends the Seasons Greetings to one and all and happy golfing also for the New Year. BOWLS EUROA BOWLS CLUB By AUDREY McINTOSH IN a well contested match last week, Lindsay Cocking defeated John Groat 25/23 to become club champion for this bowling season. Some good bowling was played and at one stage they were 18 all and both players played excellent bowls until the last ends when Lindsay was the victor. Congratulations Lindsay and to John, there are still more years to come to win this event. The club Christmas party last Friday night was a very enjoyable night with approximately 60 attending, all having as is usual at our functions, a friendly night together. Thank you to all who supplied the salads and sweets and to Lorraine and her helpers for having everything arranged for all to enjoy. President Brian Diffey welcomed all to the evening and hoped all would enjoy themselves. In between courses, Annette Diffey, Margaret Goode and Marian Rennie entertained us with a skit, A Turkey Twelve Days of Christmas which was greatly appreciated by their audience. Also during the evening several draws of raffle prizes were held and lucky winners were Marj Burton, Margaret Grant, Margaret Goode, Lorraine Walters, Marian Rennie, Mark Exton, and Neville Harris. Vouchers from our sponsors, K Cs Bowls wear were won by Eric Sellenger and Ivy Mackrell. The Euroa Hotel vouchers were won by David Llewellyn, Tony Kingma and Ian South. Peter Naughton, club treasurer, thanked Lorraine for her organisation along with her helpers and wished all Season Greetings. The Christmas cakes raffle was then drawn and the winner of the large cake was Jennifer Crystal, Violet Town and the second prize was won by Rod Andrews, Euroa. Thank you to Joan Dingemans for the donation of these lovely cakes for our raffle for club funds. President Brian Diffey thanked all for coming to the dinner and on behalf of Annette and himself, wished all a Happy Christmas and a good New Year and he hoped that the club would finish the season on a good note. Saturday pennant has finished until January 23 but the club will be having their Christmas tournaments over the holidays. Sunday, December 27: Mixed triples, with a 12.30pm start Monday, December 28: Mens Triples, with a 12.30pm start Friday, January 1: Mens Pairs (2x4x2) with a 9.30am start If you wish to play on any day, please enter your name or team on the list on the board. Seasons Greetings to all bowlers from Euroa members. We hope to see Col back bowling with us soon. EUROA LADIES BOWLS Division two on top of ladder By AUDREY McINTOSH ANOTHER successful win for division two last Tuesday, when they defeated Mooroopna by just one shot to remain on top of the ladder in division two. Division four are in fourth position so heres hoping when pennant resumes in February, we can keep these positions or even better for division four. Division two were home to Mooroopna and winning by one shot 72/71. L Byrne (s), A Sutcliffe, N Walters, B Diffey defeated M Jones 28/26. L Walters (s), T Kingma, P Naylor, D Lomer defeated L Nicholls 24/20. J Taylor (s), J Watters, J Sheargold, C Dingemans lost to W McGoldrick 20/25. Division four played at Mooroopna and lost to the home side 62/84. M Cerini (s), N Boz, R Goldsworthy, M Bruce defeated K Dean 35/23. M Steen (s), G Malone, J Pollock, N Harris lost to E Brown 16/23. M Goode (s), I South, A McIntosh, G Webster lost to D Blake 11/38. Division five were given a walkover by Colbinabbin as they were unable to field a team. Pennant is in recess until February 2, 2016. The mens Christmas tournaments are on over the holiday period and there is Mixed Triples on Sunday, December 27 with a 12.30pm start. Enter your name as a single player if not already in a team. The other days, December 28 and January 1 are mens days when we will be catering for afternoon tea and a meal on January 1. Christmas greetings to all bowlers and best wished to our members who are on the sick list. Ladder Division One Shepparton Park 136 Hill Top 87 Seymour 76 Mooroopna Golf 76 Kyabram 63 Shepparton Golf 50 Stanhope 48 Rushworth 40 Division Two Euroa 121 East Shepparton 118 Mooroopna 84 Kyabram 70 Shepparton Park 62 Hill Top 54 Tatura 50 Seymour 17 Division Three 119 Shepparton Golf 94 Avenel 92 Murchison 79 Mooroopna Golf 74 Shepparton Park Violet Town 69 Rushworth 28 Shepparton RSL 21 Division Four 117 Mooroopna 95 Merrigum 94 Katandra West 77 Euroa 64 Shepparton Park 49 East Shepparton 45 Hill Top 39 Mooroopna Golf 108 Division Five 92 Dookie 74 Kyabram 70 Shepparton Golf 70 Seymour 43 Nagambie 29 Avenel 14 Colbinabbin Euroa AVENEL BOWLS CLUB A MOST enjoyable time was had by those in attendance at the clubs Christmas break-up on Sunday, December 20. The festivities began with a dozen or so venturing out onto the green at 4.30pm for a few ends of bowls. It was great to see some non-bowlers out there enjoying the highs and lows of the game. Members and guests gathered around and relaxed over a smorgasbord style dinner enjoying each others company and a few quiet drinks. Congratulations to our Christmas hamper winners Carolyn MacCallister and Jodi Ferguson. We know you will enjoy the contents of the hampers. A big thank you to all the members for donating items for the hampers and selling raffle tickets a great effort by everyone. As I write, there is a group of men working away on the green mowing, grooming and other jobs that are need to keep the green in tip top condition. I wish all members of the Avenel Bowling Club and other readers of this column a happy, festive season with family and friends. Take care of yourselves both at home and on the road if travelling. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. VIOLET TOWN BOWLS CLUB By LEANNE RUSSELL-JONES LAST Tuesday we welcomed Mooroopna Golf. In uncomfortably hot and sticky conditions we won only one rink by one point, 66/77 (2 14 points). E Anderson, M Daley, D Underwood, K Beaton defeated C OHalloran 23/22. H Biach, V Byrne, M Delahey, K Byrne lost to S Smith 25/29. L Russell-Jones, I Chanter, L Russell, D Taylor lost to M Mellino 18/26. Heres hoping the New Year sees a reversal in our fortunes. On Saturday night we enjoyed a members barbeque Christmas tea, with lovely salads and desserts supplied by the members. The air conditioner was turned up high and the raffle and Carol singing was enjoyed by all! Social bowls: Please see the posters that will go up around town re Thursday bowls nights in January! Wishing everyone a safe and happy festive season. See you on the greens in 2016. TENNIS THE Avenel Tennis Club recently received funding from the State Government as part of the latest round of VicHealths Active Club Grants program. Member for Northern Victoria Jaclyn Symes recently announced the funding which will be $1219 for two new table tennis tables. Ms Symes said the grants will help local clubs reach out to new participants and fund items or equipment to help them improve safety. Whether its essential equipment like bats, portable goals, uniforms and balls, or items to prevent or manage injuries, its great to see so many clubs across country Victoria, including my Electorate of Northern Victoria benefit from these grants, she said. These grants are fantastic because not only do they encourage more sports and recreation activity, they also provide that real sense of community that comes from being part of a local club. Local clubs provide a fun and sociable escape from the stresses of modern life, and can have a positive impact on a persons sense of health and wellbeing, Caption Text: EUROAS LADY BOWLS CHAMPION: Libby Byrne (right) following her winning match against Jean Taylor, runner-up. PHOTO: Lorraine Walters Copyright Agency licensed copy (