Handy funds for Landcare, Wangaratta Chronicle, Wangaratta VIC

Some support for environmental projects LANDCARE groups across the North East have been granted hundreds of thousands of dollars to deliver a range of projects over the next 12 months. Jaclyn Symes (MLC, Northern Victoria) announced on Wednesday that 29 groups within the region would share in over $220,000, as part of the State Governments $2 million 2015-16 Victorian Landcare Grants. The projects being funded this year will deliver important environmental outcomes, she said, adding the grants recognise the crucial role Landcare volunteers play in protecting and enhancing country Victorias environmental health. Greta Valley Landcare Group has been granted $20,000 for its project, New members, new trees, new beginnings. Group project administration officer, Sally Day, said the project will involve work on three new members properties who have identified four sites for improvement works. The sites identified in this application will protect assets through fencing and use the planting of tube stock and direct seeding to re-establish indigenous woody vegetation, she said. The protection and expansion of remnant vegetation and protection of our waterways through stock exclusion are a critical first step towards arresting the declining condition of our landscape. These activities are also great starting blocks for new Landcare members. Boorhaman and District Landcare Group was also successful, receiving a grant of $19,637 for its Creating corridors a direct approach project. Group president Damian OKeefe said the funding would help revegetate areas of private property, creating tree corridors for birdlife and other wildlife. He said the group still had 30 to 40 active members, who continued the roadside weed program against St Johns wort, Chilean needlegrass and Patersons curse. Funding to groups in rural City of Wangaratta$20,000 to Warby Range Landcare Group for the Warby environmental boost project at Glenrowan and Wangaratta; $5160 to Springhurst and Byawatha Hills Landcare Group for a Rabbit round up at Byawatha; $12,959 to Milawa Markwood Oxley Landcare Group for Clear water planting natures filtering systems in the Milawa, Markwood and Oxley areas; $500 to Wangaratta Sustainability Network for maintenance; $500 to Whorouly Landcare Group for maintenance; $500 to Wangaratta Urban Landcare Group for maintanance; $500 to King Basin Landcare Group for maintenance; $500 to North East Ecological Farmers for maintenance; $500 to Carboor-Bobinawarrah Landcare Group for maintenance; $500 to Edi-Black Range Catchment Group for maintenance.