Help to be safe in sun

19 Feb 2016 Shepparton News, Shepparton VIC (General News) by Cameron Whiteley SHADE GRANTS AWARDED Three community organisations in the Greater Shepparton region are among the recipients of funding designed to help protect against skin cancer. More than $18 000 has been allocated to the Katandra Football Netball Club and Shepparton Park Bowls Club as part of the Victorian Governments Community Shade Grants Program. Rumbalara Aboriginal Co-operative has also been awarded $6100. State Member for Northern Victoria Jaclyn Symes yesterday announced more than 70 community organisations and facilities would receive funding through the initiative. Priority for grants has been given to country areas with high rates of skin cancer and mortality and areas of socioeconomic disadvantage. Ms Symes said in 2014, melanoma was the fifth most common cancer in Victoria and that it was estimated 40 000 new cases of skin cancer were diagnosed in the state each year. Shade is a simple and effective way to protect ourselves from the sun and by doing so reduces the likelihood of deadly skin cancer, she said. Ms Symes said the grant funds could be used to build new shade structures, repair existing shade, buy portable shade or create natural shade by planting trees. The grants can also be used to purchase hats and sunscreen to further protect the community from the harsh rays of the sun, she said. SHADE IS A SIMPLE AND EFFECTIVE WAY TO PROTECT OURSELVES FROM THE SUN. JACLYN SYMES Copyright Agency licensed copy (