Helping sexual assault victims

19 Feb 2016 Wangaratta Chronicle, Wangaratta VIC (General News) $20,000 to cut waiting list for support A $20,000 State Government funding boost will help support more people in the North East whove experienced sexual assault. Jaclyn Symes (MLC, Northern Victoria) said the funding to Upper Murray Centre Against Violence Inc will cut local waiting lists for support services, helping children and adult sexual assault victims. It is part of the the State Governments $16 million Family Violence Fund, established to respond to increased demand for services as a result of the Royal Commission into Family Violence. Ms Symes said the funding boost will help to address local waiting lists in North East Victoria for children and young people to ensure they can access services as soon as possible. Upper Murray Centre Against Violence Inc offers invaluable support for local residents in times of terrible trauma, she said. Ms Symes said sexual assault support services provide crisis care responses, counselling, casework, group-work, advocacy and a statewide after-hours telephone crisis service for children, young people and adults who have experienced recent or past sexual assault. Agencies also provide community awareness, education and professional consultation services that work towards the prevention and early identification of sexual assault, she said. In its first budget the Andrews Labor Government announced $81.3 million to boost family violence services, including the establishment of Australias first Royal Commission into Family Violence. The Royal Commission is due to hand down its findings next month. For more details on support services go to www. familyviolencehumeregion. FOR assistance with family violence matters you can access: services and information; information for mens referral service; Safe steps Victorian state wide service 1800 015188; Centre Against Violence North East Victoria (03) 5722 2203. Copyright Agency licensed copy (