Hydro-electric solution

12 Oct 2016 Seymour Telegraph, Seymour VIC (General News) A grant of $50 000 has been attained to fund the StrathbogieSeymour Energy Alliance Pumped Hydroelectric Energy Storage business case. The business case will determine whether there is a case for renewable energy as base load electricity which can be dispatched to reduce network constraints in the Hume region. The study will also determine whether pumped hydro at two sites near Seymour and Euroa is an appropriate technology to deliver the electricity. The findings from this study will support the development of this project. One of 24 grants for innovative projects that support a clean energy future, the grant is from the Victorian Governments New Energy Jobs Fund and was announced last Wednesday by Member for Northern Victoria Jaclyn Symes. I look forward to working with these groups, we are determined to grow clean energy jobs and business opportunities that benefit communities in country Victoria, Ms Symes said. Were proud to be rebuilding much needed confidence in the renewable energy industry following the neglect of the former Liberal National Government at both state and federal levels over recent years. Members of the StrathbogieSeymour Energy Alliance an alliance between BEAM Mitchell Environment Group, The Seymour We Want and Euroa Environment Group say they are delighted with the decision. Pumped hydro is an energy storage system. Water is pumped to a high reservoir using surplus electricity such as off-peak electricity from base-load power stations or from renewable energy systems such as solar and wind. This energy is run back down through turbines during times of peak demand, or when there is neither sun or wind to directly provide power from renewables. The project was one of several ideas that came out of a series of symposiums run by Strathbogie Voices in Euroa and from the Sustainable Seymour workshops. Renewable energy needs this sort of storage, Tallarook engineer Jeff Wilmot said. More information is available at www.beam.org.au, or email eeg3666@gmail.com, beam.inc@hotmail.com or theseymourwewant@gmail.com Caption Text: Potential: Trawool Reservoir is an old stone reservoir in the Tallarook Ranges that will be examined as a possible storage site for pumped hydro-electricity. Ideas: Sustainable Seymour began with a series of workshops in May last year where then Mitchell Shire Mayor Rodney Parker discussed energy options for Seymour. Licensed by Copyright Agency. You may only copy or communicate this work with a licence.