Jamieson primary joins breakfast clubs

16 Dec 2015 Mansfield Courier, Mansfield VIC (General News) JAMIESON Primary Schools students are among thousands of children from country Victoria who will benefit from a healthier start to the 2016 school year after their schools signed up to the Breakfast Clubs Program. Jaclyn Symes (MLC, Northern Victoria) last week announced that some 46 new schools participating in the State Government-funded program from Term 1. Ms Symes said under the $13.7 million Breakfast Clubs Program, students will be provided with a free breakfast every day. With one in seven children arriving at school with an empty stomach, the provision of free breakfasts will ensure these students no longer go hungry and allow them to get the most out of their education, Ms Symes said. Under the program, participating schools with existing breakfast clubs will get their free food delivered directly to their door. And for the first time, hundreds of schools will be offering breakfast clubs for the very first time. The State Government has partnered with Foodbank the largest welfare food agency in Australia to establish and lead this state-wide program, using their existing warehousing, storage and freight network. A total of 174 schools will join the Breakfast Clubs Program at the start of term 1 2016, with another 75 schools from term 2 2016, and 251 on board from term 3 2016. Overall, 500 schools are participating in the Breakfast Clubs Program. We all know that breakfast is the most important meal of the day it sets our children up to concentrate, learn and be at their best, Ms Symes said. The Breakfast Clubs Program is another way in which the State Government is helping families so that all children can reach their potential, regardless of their circumstances. Were investing almost $4 billion to make Victoria the Education State, so every community has access to great local schools and every child gets the chance to succeed. Copyright Agency licensed copy (www.copyright.com.au