Job skills focus in $1 million centre, Albury Wodonga News Weekly, Albury

WODONGA TAFE is set see the development of a Skills and Jobs Centre to help tackle youth unemployment. The Victorian Government announcement on Friday morning $1 million will be put towards the centre as part of the governments $15 million plan to create skills and employment centres around Victoria. Northern Victorian Region MP Jaclyn Symes made the announcement following a Brotherhood of St Laurence report earlier this year that showed north-east Victoria was among the worst areas in Victoria for youth unemployment, with rates over 17 per cent. The governments new investment in Wodonga TAFE is additional to our $2.5m investment earlier this year for it to develop a student employment program to address issues of youth and long-term unemployment, Ms Symes said. Wodonga TAFE expects the centre to be operational early next year at TAFEspace in the Civic Precinct of the CBD.