05 Jul 2017 McIvor Times, Heathcote VIC (General News) Cash for dementia facility feasibility study THE Heathcote Dementia Village feasibility study received a huge boost last week when the Victorian government chipped in $150,000. Member for Northern Victoria Jaclyn Symes and Federal Member for Bendigo Lisa Chesters visited Heathcote to make the announcement. The proposed dementia village would be an Australian first, based on the Dutch model, Hogeweyk, in the town of Wheesp. The study will consider the demand if located in Heathcote, as well as whether the town can accommodate the large number of staff required, the impact on the community, and potential training and employment opportunities for local residents. The proposed facility would include accommodation for 150 residents, and offer everyday activities to sustain quality of life. Ms Symes said she hoped the Federal Government would also support the project. Lisa Chesters brought this proposal to my attention shortly after I became the Member for Northern Victoria, and I was an instant supporter, Ms Symes said. Like so many, I sadly have family experience with dementia. This project has the potential to provide much needed help for older Victorians and their families. Heathcote Health chief executive Dan Douglass warmly welcomed the announcement. It is wonderful to launch the fundraising campaign and already be halfway towards our goal of $300,000, he said. These initial funds will enable the Heathcote Dementia Village Steering Committee to engage a contractor to determine the feasibility of the 150-place dementia village component of the overall project. When the remaining $150,000 is raised, it will be used to determine the feasibility of having research and training facilities attached to the village, the dementiafriendly community concept and the dementia green care program. The findings of the study will ensure the project is shovel ready when funding becomes available. City of Greater Bendigo community partnerships manager Steven Abbott said he looked forward to the feasibility study commencing. The possible financial benefits for the Heathcote community cannot be underestimated, he said. Initial modelling predicts the village would employ 260 staff but additional jobs would be created during the construction process. The village is also expected to inject $15 million annually into the economy once it is up and running. Licensed by Copyright Agency. You may only copy or communicate this work with a licence.