Kinder surprise

20 Feb 2018 North Central Review (Kilmore), Melbourne (General News) LOCAL kindergartens can upgrade their buildings and playgrounds and buy equipment to provide a more inclusive environment for children with disabilities and additional needs thanks to a 1*6.-1 million Inclusive Kindergartens Facilities Program. Local governments, not-for-profit service providers and pre-schools are able to apply for infrastructure upgrades including playgrounds-of up to $200,000 or for grants up to 110,000 to buy inclusive education equipment such as moveable wheelchair-access ramps or adjustable tables and chairs. The funding is part ofa 119 million suite of initiatives to make early childhood services more inclusive for children with disabilities and additional needs. The program was announced last week by Member for Northern Victoria, Jaclyn Symes. As aworking mother who has relied on childcare lam absolutely passionate about the provision of quality childcare options in country Victoria, Ms Symes said. We know that high-quality early years education and care are vital to giving our children the best start in life. I encourage service providers, councils and schools in Northern Victoria to apply to upgrade their kindergartens. Applications for the Inclusive Kindergartens Facilities Program can be made online at www.schoalbuildtngs.vtc.goi}. QU/PQ ges/Inc lus i ve-Kin dergorlens-Foc i It ties-Program.aspx.Licensed by Copyright Agency. You may only copy or communicate this work with a licence.