Labor says MP has no shame

THE Labor Party has broken its silence on Tim McCurdys fraud charges, with Macedon MP Mary-Anne Thomas having a go at him in Parliament. Mr McCurdy is facing allegations of making a false document, using a false document, obtaining property by deception and attempting to obtain property by deception from 2009, before he was elected as the Ovens Valley MP. Let us not forget that the member for Ovens Valley, he is sitting there in the front row, as we speak is facing 10 criminal charges, Ms Thomas said. And yet he shows up here every day and sits in this house; he has no shame whatsoever. Mr McCurdy is contesting the charges. Ms Thomas, who grew up in Wodonga, also threw her support behind Upper House MP Jaclyn Symes considering a run for a Lower House seat in the North East against the Nationals MPs. She could knock off the member for Euroa and the member for Ovens Valley at the same time, she said.