Lift off at hospital

21 Jun 2016 North Central Review (Kilmore), Melbourne (General News) KILMORE and District Memorial Hospitals new helipad is officially ready for use. The opening on Friday was a truly bipartisan event with Jaclyn Symes, Member for Northern Victoria, Hospital President, Julia McGill and Steph Ryan, Member for Euroa assisting in the formalities. The opening of the helipad marked the completion of the $20 million redevelopment of Kilmore hospital. An impressive 59 truckloads of concrete went into the support piers and a further 28 truckloads for the actual landing surface. Funding for the extension came over two successive governments with the initial investment made by the former Victorian Coalition. The present Labor government saw the project through to completion. Pictured after cutting the ribbon are Jaclyn Symes, Julia McGill and Steph Ryan. The space age look of the helipad prompted the North Central Review graphics team to take a little licence in enhancing the picture. Licensed by Copyright Agency. You may only copy or communicate this work with a licence.