Local artist acknowledged for outstanding contributions to community, Mansfield Courier

GOUGHS Bay resident Talitha Annuscheit has been acknowledged for her outstanding contributions to the community and the state in a recent arts nomination. Nominated for the 2015 Ricci Marks Award, Talitha Annuscheit was nominated by Member for Northern Victoria, Jaclyn Symes (MLA, Northern Victoria), for her fantastic achievement in creating a modern take on traditional Aboriginal artworks. Ms Annuscheit was one of 19 nominated. Ms Symes said Talitha had considerable artistic talent and recently had the honour of presenting the GovernorGeneral, Sir Peter Cosgrove, with a painting when he visited Mansfield. The Ricci Marks Award recognises the achievements of young Aboriginal people and was renamed in memory of Ricci Marks, a proud Wotjobaluk man who in his short life made an outstanding contribution to the arts. The Ricci Marks Award is about acknowledging the achievements of young Aboriginal people, and Talitha Annuscheit is such a worthy nominee, Ms Symes said. Through her work in the arts, Talitha is making an outstanding contribution to our community and our state. Although she did not win an award, Talitha said she was delighted to be nominated. It was such a shock, a lovely shock of course, she said. The awards night in Melbourne was fantastic very laid back and enjoyable.