Local clubs in northern Victoria receive funding boost

16 Dec 2015 Mansfield Courier, Mansfield VIC (General News) THE Mansfield Tennis Association was one local club to benefit from the latest round of VicHealths Active Club Grants program, Jaclyn Symes (MLC, Northern Victoria) announced last week. Grants of up to $3000 and for the first time, up to $10,000, were available for local clubs in the first of two funding rounds for 2015-16. The tennis club received $2700 for four tennis nets 2.6 drop and 110 X four tennis balls in cans Ms Symes said the grants will help local clubs reach out to new participants and fund items or equipment to help them improve safety. In total, 263 Victorian clubs will receive grants as part of this round of the VicHealth Active Club Grants program, totalling $746,000. The VicHealth Active Club Grants program puts up to $1.5 million each year towards helping communities get more physically active. More than 8000 sporting clubs across Victoria have received Active Club Grants over the past 20 years and more than 1 million club members have been able to access safer and better equipped clubs with welltrained staff. For more information about VicHealths Active Clubs Grants, go to www.vichealth. vic.gov.au/activeclub.