Major revamp for Nexus

27 Mar 2018 North Central Review (Kilmore), Melbourne (General News) BROADFORD residents will gel better access lo community and primary health services thanks to a funding boost to redevelop and expand Nexus Primary Health in Broadford. Member for Northern Victoria, Jaclyn Symes, announced that Nexus will receive 13.7 million through the Regional Health Infrastructure Fund. The funding boost for the Nexus Primary Health redevelopment will more than triple the number of consulting suites from seven to 21. This is in addition to the funding already provided for the service to renovate the Wallan sites treatment and ancillary services. An additional 20 contemporary work stations will give staff the modern and efficient work environment they need to expand and deliver the highest quality, and better connected services to residents in Broadford and beyond. Construction is expected to start in late 2018 and be complete by late 2019. The project is expected to create nine construction jobs. Nexus Primary Health delivers a range of services across its campuses including allied health alcohol and other drugs, disability, family violence, financial counseling, home help homeless accommodation and gamblers help as well as general practitioners and nursing mental health and health promotion, Nexus Community Health does a remarkable job, but is being held back by the current outdated facilities. Ms Symes said she is proud to be providing the funding boost to health services in my home town of Broadford to deliver the modern facilities we deserve. The 1200 million fund the largest of its kind in Victorian history will rebuild rural and regional hospitals.