Mansfield library gets funding

03 Feb 2016 Mansfield Courier, Mansfield VIC (General News) MANSFIELD Library will receive a $34,300 boost as part of the Andrews Labor Governments $4.3 million Living Libraries Infrastructure Program, Jaclyn Symes (MLC, Northern Victoria), announced last week. Ms Symes said the funds would help complete the second stage of the project. She said stage two of the refurbishment would involve redevelopment of a meeting room and reading area into a flexible use area for programs, book week, school holiday programs and author visits. It is great to see that afterhours access is proposed for community groups to use the facility and that the reading area will be improved and provide more space for users to access Wifi and casual reading areas, Ms Symes said. The community values the library and its services and this funding will ensure better access to the community facilities they want and need. The Andrews Labor Government understands how important libraries are to local communities and that is why we have provided $4.3 million in funding to support them. The funding comes on top of the annual funding for libraries provided to councils as part of the $40.5 million Public Libraries Funding Program. Copyright Agency licensed copy (