Mansfield Woods Point road works have begun

04 Apr 2018 Mansfield Courier, Mansfield VIC (General News) Vital road works begin WORKS have begun on the Mansfield Woods Point Road, and the timing couldnt be better. Widespread recent rainfall across the shire further eroded the dangerous pot holes, bumps and corroded edges that were causing problems, particularly in the 10 kilometre stretch between Howqua River Bridge and the Jamieson township. Jaclyn Symes, (MLC, Northern Victoria), announced funding for the roads repair in March with $550,000 to be spent on maintenance and improvement works. Works will also include the sealing of a 1.2 kilometre stretch of road north of Woods Point, and repairs and final seals will be completed on the road near Kevington. The funding came about after continued lobbying from the Jamieson community, with residents outraged the road had been allowed to fall into such disrepair. I dont believe it affects my business, it doesnt affect me; Im just upset that the road is trashed and all theyre doing is lowering speed limits and putting up signs, Paul Fletcher, from the Jamieson General Store, told the Mansfield Courier in an earlier story. Fix it, he said. Blame has been pointed at the A1 mine trucks that have frequented the road for the last 18 months. The trucks are having a significant impact on our roads, and its a serious concern if the road might not be as safe as it should be, said Mansfield Shire Mayor, Cr Paul Volkering. However, the economic stimulus of the mine was also an important consideration for locals most residents arguing that it was VicRoads responsibility to ensure the road was safe to use, regardless of who the users were. For us, the mine has been very good for the community, and it has injected something like $30 million into the economy, said Kevington Hotel publican Wayne Poole. In January, Cindy McLeish (MLA, Eildon), wrote to the Minister for Roads advising the government about the communitys concerns and last week congratulated them on coming through with the funds. The Mansfield-Woods Point Road is the only road for access for communities along it and locals believe a lack of planning and investment has resulted in the poor conditions and road surface, Ms McLeish said. I am pleased to see the lobbying by the community has paid off with VicRoads set to begin works very soon. Caption Text: BE CAREFUL: Although road works have begun on the Mansfield-Woods Point Road, residents are warned to drive to conditions, as pot holes, eroded edges and bitumen moguls are still present.Licensed by Copyright Agency. You may only copy or communicate this work with a licence.