More will be on the other side of the ovals white picket fence

25 Apr 2018 Euroa Gazette, Euroa VIC (General News) by Will Murray STAGE one of the redevelopment of the Friendlies Oval, which includes the installation of the white-picket fence and rejuvenation of the ovals surface, should be underway in the coming weeks, with the funding due to be released by the State Government in the coming month. The $200,000 stage one of the redevelopment, funding for which was announced back in January, was made available thanks to $100,000 from the State Government presented by Labor Representative for Northern Victoria Jaclyn Symes, $50,000 from community fundraising efforts, and $50,000 from the Shire of Strathbogie, However, work is yet to get underway since the funding announcement was made back in January, which has had a number of people questioning what is holding the project up. Council, who will project manage the redevelopment, say they cannot begin work until the State Government release the funding that has been set aside. Council is currently waiting on the Victorian Governments funding agreement which will provide the guidelines for the Euroa Friendlies Oval Project, the council said in a statement. Once this has been received council will be able to put together a steering committee and begin the procurement process for the project. While the Friendlies Oval Redevelopment Committee admit being a little frustrated by the delay in getting from the funding announcement to work starting, in the meantime they have turned their attention to looking into stage two of the project. Stage two involves the renovation of the changeround facilities, new toilets, and the beautification of the oval complex. To do this, however, the committee needs more grant funding. That funding, Steph Ryan (MLA, Euroa) said, should come from the money recently directed to the upgrading of the Etihad Stadium in Melbourne. The committee for Friendlies Oval is looking for funding for female toilets and to upgrade the ovals clubrooms, she said. Projects like these are more deserving of taxpayersmoney in my book than Etihad Stadium. If elected this November, we will redirect every dollar we can from the $225 million the Andrews Government has proposed to spend on Etihad Stadium to support our local clubs with much needed upgrades. Caption Text: COMING SOON: While the start of stage one of the Friendlies Oval awaits the release of funding from the State Government, Rob Asquith (centre) Peter Morley (right) are already looking into funding for stage two with Steph Ryan (MLA, Euroa).Licensed by Copyright Agency. You may only copy or communicate this work with a licence.