New cop shop coming

07 Jul 2018 Border Mail, Albury-Wodonga (General News) by Ellen Ebsary A STATE government commitment to replace two rural North East police stations is getting under way, as officers in Bright and Corryong prepare to move in to their new buildings. Construction has begun on a replacement police station at Tangambalanga on Huon-Kiewa Road and Victoria Police spokeswoman Sara-Jane Delaney said it was due for completion by the end of September. In relation to Rutherglen, the letting of a construction contract is imminent and construction is due for completion by the end December, she said. The current conditions at both stations are profoundly inadequate for delivery of modern police services. There will be a raft of improvements such as improved office facilities, staff amenities and interview areas. Bright Senior Sergeant Doug Incoll said his team was moving into their new $3.25 million station on August 14, and the $3.21 million Corryong station would be opening its doors on July 17. Its going to have a cell, a dedicated police operations room, and basically will be a modern facility that meets the needs of police and the Bright community, he said. The police operations centre is required because were responsible for a lot of emergency management response such as flood and rescue. It caters to our increasing population growth its a vast improvement. The new building is four times the size of the former station, which was built in 1984 when there were five officers. Today there are nine people working out of the same building. The new holding cell will allow Bright officers to hold people temporarily for the first time, instead of having to take them to Wangaratta. Ms Delaney said while the Tangambalanga station was being constructed, the police officer stationed there would remain in town. Rutherglen police officers will be working from a shopfront in Rutherglen more information will be provided closer to the time, she said. Response times will not be affected. As always members of the public are asked to call Triple Zero (000) when they require police assistance. The Victorian government committed to rebuilding the four stations in 2016 and Northern Victoria MLC Jaclyn Symes said at the time it was part of a $596 million public safety package in the 2016-2017 Victorian Budget. The Bright and Corryong stations will be officially opened on a date to be announced.