New jobs centre for Wangaratta may help Mansfield, Mansfield Courier, Mansfield VIC

WANGARATTA will get a Skills and Jobs Centre designed to act as a one stop shop for those looking to both find a job or begin study. Jaclyn Symes (MLC, Northern Victoria) announced last week that two jobs centres would be opened in Victoria, one in Wangaratta and one at Shepparton. Funding of $1 million will go towards the new centres. The new hubs will be the first point-ofcall for students in the Greater Shepparton and Wangaratta areas looking to start training, workers needing to reskill, unemployed workers needing support for retraining and work placement, and for employers, Ms Symes said. The centres will particularly help link local jobseekers and employers to ensure they are engaged in quality training that will lead to a job at the end of their course. The local Skills and Jobs Centres will eliminate confusion about where to get help for locals who want to start training or re-skill in a new industry, Ms Symes said. Many Mansfield residents utilise the GOTAFE facility in Wangaratta for courses and study, and will have an extra resource when the new centre is operational expected to be early next year.