Numurkah joins the breakfast club

09 Dec 2015 Numurkah Leader, Numurkah VIC (General News) NUMUR H Primary School students wont have to start school with an empty stomach, thanks to a Victorian Government-funded breakfast club. As from the start of the 2016 school year, children can get a free daily breakfast under the $13.7 million state-wide program. Numurkah Primary School principal Je Blackley said around 25% of students come to school without any breakfast, or eat the wrong kinds of foods for breakfast. He said currently, the school o ers cereal to about 10 children a couple of days a week. He hopes the funding will allow them to run it every day, to any child who needs a healthy feed. We used to have a daily program a few years ago funded by the Federal Government. We got up to 30 children in that program each day. is helped these students make sure they had a good meal to start-o the day. It was also a good social gathering to start the day, he said. Mr Blackley said the food is donated from the Cobram and Mooroopna based welfare food agency Foodbank, which distributes donated food to schools and charities. Mr Blackley said he did not have the details of the program yet, but said the breakfast club will probably run between 8.30-9am with grade six helpers, under sta supervision. Northern Victoria MP Jaclyn Symes said 500 schools are participating in the program, and hundreds more will jump on board next year, as part of a $4billion education package. With one in seven children arriving at school with an empty stomach, the provision of free breakfasts will ensure these students no longer go hungry and allow them to get the most out of their education, Ms Symes said. e Breakfast Clubs program is another way in which the State Government is helping families, so that all children can reach their potential, regardless of their circumstances. Nathalia, Invergordon and Katamatite primary schools have also been listed in the breakfast club funding announcement. Copyright Agency licensed copy (