Project to help youngsters out

05 Sep 2018 Alexandra Eildon Marysville Standard, Alexandra VIC (General News) by Joshua Wells IT would cost the state government $82,000 to fund an industry which could take Alexandra residents around the world. That is the mantra of resident Adam Johnston, the man who is pushing to have his Alexandra Youth Recreational Precinct developed under the Pick My Project funding. The short listed idea will create a new space for bored teenagers with nothing to do, potentially opening them to the professional sport of trail riding. If they have nothing to do, children will always find something to do. Whether it is destructive or creative, he said. The project would develop a more progressive, safer and user-friendly mountain biking pump, dirt jumps and skills development track for young people and biking enthusiasts. The recreational precinct would give young people a safe and healthy meeting area which could encourage better life choices. Project suggester Johnston said he wanted another outlet for the children who dont want to play sport, go fishing or four wheel driving. I want this built because there is not enough for the youth in this town since the Black Saturday fires, we have had a big opportunity to do stuff and I dont think enough has been done for the children, he said. I believe there is a drug and alcohol issue in town. And mountain biking and trail riding is proven to be something which works for those people wanting to steer away from that and do something outside. If we give the children more choice, it might help. I have got some friends who choose bikes for their kids because it is healthy and that is our objective. We can even hand this park to the kids and let them look after it. Member for Northern Victoria Jaclyn Symes said the initiative would help pave the way for community driven infrastructure. I think this is a fantastic initiative. and I spend a lot of time within communities who need grants, but there is a bit of a hurdle to get through, so having a designated pool like this is great, she said. It is community driven and it helps find a home for money for projects which havent been able to get up. it is thinking about towns and their priorities too. This has been a major experiment and it is well received so far, I personally think theyll be a push to have it remain, it is fantastic. To look at all the projects listed in the state governments Pick My Project imitative or to vote on your favourites, visit au