Proposed funding cuts will hurt schools: Symes

16 Mar 2016 Cobram Courier, Cobram VIC (General News) More than a dozen schools in Moira Shire will be affected by the Federal Governments state school cuts that will total $1.1 billion. The proposed cuts range from under $100 000 for schools such as Katamatite Primary and Invergordon Primary, while Yarrawonga College P-12 will be the hardest hit in the region with minimum losses totalling $900 000. Cobram Secondary College is set to suffer cuts of at least $500 000. Member for Northern Victoria, Jaclyn Symes said tens of millions of dollars would be ripped from schools in northern Victoria, including the 17 schools in Moira Shire. Ms Symes said the cuts were tough for country families and schools who valued their hardworking teachers and support staff to help students be the best they could be. This $1.1 billion could fund more than 8000 teachers, or more than 10 000 allied health staff like psychologists, speech pathologists, welfare workers and physiotherapists. The government is cutting years 5 and 6 of the Gonski Agreement funding, which will leave the average government school across Victoria about $500 000 worse off. Under the cuts, schools in Northern Victoria will lose up to $99 800 000 every year from 2019. Every school community throughout northern Victoria should be alarmed at the LiberalNational Partys plans, Ms Symes said. This is funding that pays for things like extra support teachers in the classroom and special reading programs for kids falling behind. Malcolm Turnbull and the Liberal National Partys Ideas Boom will go completely bust if he keeps cutting funds from our schools, our kids and our future. The schools are located all across Moira Shire in towns such as Cobram, Nathalia, Katamatite, Numurkah, Yarrawonga and Katunga.