Railway look to expand

24 Apr 2018 The Free Press, Kilmore, VIC (General News) by Joshua Wells THE volunleers of the Kilmore Miniature Railway Society are calling on the community to get behind them as they apply to have their track extended. The groups president John Thexton confirmed they would take part In the Victorian Governmentsgrassroots democracyfunding through the Pick My Project scheme. The railway has been around for 3G years but the society believes It Is time to extend the railway down Into Hudson Park with local volunteers to build the extra track. Mr Thexton said a grant of 1200,000 could help thrust the railway Into the future. The grant would mean we can get down to Hudson Park and make the ride a lot more Interesting with a lot more people able to get on the train as they frequent the park, he said. 1 think the community would like to see It extended It would make It a more Interesting ride. We would like to build a new shed where we can come In and build the track then use the old tram line to further the tracks. This Is a fantastic place and It would be tremendous to lake the train through to the park. A joint statement from the committee of the Kilmore Miniature Railway Society revealed their desire to continue attracting tourists to KihintiL It Is time to see the railway blossom Into Its full potential With a logical expansion northwards to Hudson Park giving a massive boost In exposure to the many locals and tourists who stop there for picnics, the statement said. The Increase In numbers visiting Kilmore will provide a much-needed boost to the local economy. The proposed southern extension then moves Into the forested part of the creek up to Rutledge Street adding even greater adventure to the journey. The revitalised project will add much Improvement and vitality to the entire creek area, which we envisage as becoming a major regional attraction. In a Victorian-first, all residents aged 16 or older will be able to submit their idea for consideration under the Pick My Project program. Projects will need to be feasible and have land-owner consent, but there will be no restrictive guidelines meaning many local priorities that fall between the cracks of other grant programs will be eligible for funding. Member for Northern Victoria Jaclyn Symes said the Pick My Project program will be backed by $30 million from the Victorian Budget 2018/19 and will be spread across the state, giving every co mm unity the chance to benefit This Is about putting community funding decisions back In the hands of communities -helping people In Northern Victoria come together to Improve their local neighbourhood. Ms Symes said. I want to hear from young people, sporting clubs, community groups, schools, everyone who Is active and Involved In their community because they know better than anyone what Is needed. Projects between $20,000 and $200,000 will be eligible under the program. The Initiative will start In May and winning projects will be announced In September 2018. For more Information, visit plckatyproject. vie. >.au Caption Text: On track for an upgrade: President John Thexton (front) with (from left) committee member Ken Caig, treasurer Anna Bayly, committee member John LeQuiniatand Dianne Le Quiniat.Licensed by Copyright Agency. You may only copy or communicate this work with a licence.