Rebates for water works

12 Mar 2019 Country News insert, Shepparton VIC (General News) Victorian livestock farmers hit by drought can now claim up to a quarter of the cost of putting in more efficient water infrastructure. The Federal Government has pledged to invest $5 million in Victorias $50 million On-Farm Emergency Water Infrastructure rebate scheme, which allows eligible Victoria farmers to claim up to $25 000. Federal Agriculture Minister David Littleproud said the rebates would make a big difference. This will make farms more productive in the good times and better prepared for the next drought, he said. It will also support regional jobs when farmers use local businesses to do the work. Victorian Agriculture Minister Jaclyn Symes said the program would help build a stronger agricultural sector in the state. Were proud to be supporting farmers through tough seasonal conditions, making sure farms are better equipped and prepared for drought. I encourage farmers to seek more information about the rebate and other support that is available, Ms Symes said. The rebate scheme applies to new purchases and installation of pipes, water storages and water pumps, distilling dams, and associated power supplies such as generators and can be claimed on work undertaken after July 1, 2018. Eligible farm businesses can apply for the rebate via Rural Finance by phoning 1800 260 425 or visiting: For more information, visit: