Seat change?

09 Aug 2018 Shepparton News, Shepparton VIC (General News) UPPER HOUSE MEMBER COULD RUN IN LOWER HOUSE Could a lower house tilt be on the cards for Member for Northern Victoria Jaclyn Symes? The upper house Labor MP yesterday released a statement addressing this suggestion. Ms Symes said she had been asked by many in the Euroa and Ovens Valley electorates to run for the lower house seats. And while the statement stopped short of confirming any move, it did suggest the idea was being considered. Im proud of what I have been able to deliver in securing funding for many projects across north-east Victoria in just over three years and there is plenty more work to do to deliver for these amazing communities, Ms Symes said. My priority is to keep delivering for all of northern Victoria and any decision regarding running for Euroa or another seat is one I will make with my family and party colleagues, she said. The Euroa and Ovens Valley seats are held by the Nationals Steph Ryan and Tim McCurdy, respectively.