Seymour court upgrade

29 Apr 2016 Shepparton News, Shepparton VIC (General News) A $110 000 refurbishment of Seymour Magistrates Court will improve community safety and deliver key recommendations of the Royal Commission into Family Violence, says State Member for Northern Victoria, Jaclyn Symes. Ms Symes said the project was part of the $58.1 million in funding for the states justice system delivered in this weeks Victorian Budget. The refurbishment will include redesigning public spaces inside the building to create separate waiting areas and a safe interview room, Ms Symes said. Separation screening will also be installed in the courtroom and the registry area will be reconfigured to accommodate external support service staff. Court security will also be improved with a new walk-through metal detector and additional security officers. The officers will provide roving patrols and escort services for vulnerable people when required, including for women and children who have been victims of family violence. Ms Symes said planning work was now under way and the project was scheduled for completion in mid-2018. It is crucial that when vulnerable people, especially those caught up in family violence, attend court they can do so in a safe manner, free from threat or intimidation, Ms Symes said.