Solar study funding approved

05 Jul 2017 Benalla Ensign, Benalla VIC (General News) The Andrews Labor Government has approved funding of $50 000 for Winton Wetlands to undertake a feasibility study for a solar farm. Labor Upper House Member for Northern Victoria Jaclyn Symes last week announced the Andrews Government funding for the $60 000 project, which will allow the Winton Wetlands Committee of Management to conduct a feasibility study into the development of the Mokoan Power Project, which features a 10MW solar farm. Ms Symes said this funding was part of the second round of the Andrew Labor Governments $20 million New Energy Jobs Fund (NEJF), announced by Energy, Environment and Climate Change Minister Lily DAmbrosio. The NEJF assists with the delivery of new energy technology projects, which support the uptake of renewable energy, reduce emissions and assist community groups to develop projects. The feasibility study will investigate and articulate the current capital requirements and economic potential of a 10 megawatt solar-power plant generating large-scale solar renewable energy. The feasibility study will identify aspects of the land for the development, including soil type, aspect, drainage and access, native vegetation assessment, indigenous cultural heritage assessment and community engagement and amenity impacts. Ms Symes said the study would provide vital insight into the expected economic benefits of the farm, including the potential for job creation during the construction and operating phases, as well as through the regeneration of the Winton Wetlands. This Winton Wetlands project is one of many across country Victoria that is making the most of opportunities presented through renewable energy generation, Ms Symes said. This Winton Wetlands Project could have a significant impact on the way many Australians generate, buy, sell and use electricity. The New Energy Jobs Fund is a great example of the Andrew Labor Governments commitment to developing the renewable energy industry and creating more jobs for the state. More than 50 applications were received in round two of the New Energy Jobs Fund, resulting in 21 successful projects receiving a total of more than $6 million in grants. More information on the NEJF at: Licensed by Copyright Agency. You may only copy or communicate this work with a licence.