State funding boost for Mansfield District Hospital

25 Jul 2018 Mansfield Courier, Mansfield VIC (General News) MANSFIELD District Hospital will share in record funding to give more patients the world-class treatment and care they deserve faster, as part of a massive boost to health care. Upper House member Jaclyn Symes (MLC, Northern Victoria) last week announced the State Government is investing $8.96 million at Mansfield District Hospital $345,000 more than the previous 12 months a four per cent increase. The funding for Mansfield hospital has increased by $1.87 million, or 26.4 per cent, since 2014/15. It is part of the State Governments 2018/19 budget allocations for all Victorian hospitals a record $11.5 billion investment. Were delivering record funding to ensure that Mansfield and our other hospitals can treat more patients faster and closer to home, Ms Symes said. Our doctors, nurses, allied and other healthcare workers dedicate themselves each day to care for us when we need it. Were helping them by opening more beds to reduce patient waiting times for surgery and emergency care.